
Top Level Errors

When accessing the Receptiviti API, any errors that are generated during usage are returned with an error code and description. Errors that occur at the top level are typically due to problems with authentication or malformed request bodies. The following section will discuss all the top level errors in detail.


These errors occur before any text is scored and will typically be related to authentication, your plan, or the format of your request body. Each corresponds to an HTTP response code.

Error TypeError CodeHTTP Status CodeMessage
1410401Missing Authorization header.
1411401Unrecognized API Key pair. This call will not count towards your plan.
1412401Your plan does not include access to this endpoint. This call will not count towards your plan.
Plan And Usage
1420429Rate limit exceeded. Retry in X seconds. This call will not count towards your plan.
Request Size
1430413The request body exceeded the limit of 10 MB/5 MB (bulk call/single call). This call will not count towards your plan.
1431413The bulk request exceeded the limit of 1000 elements.
Request Body
1440400The request body could not be read.
1441400The request body was not valid JSON. This call will not count towards your plan.
1442400The 'content' field must be a string.
1443400The 'request_id' field must be a string.
1444400The bulk request was empty.
System Errors
1500500An internal server error has occurred.

Nested Errors

Some errors are returned at the nested level within the response. These errors occur due to the contents of the payload and are nested within the response body. These are typically caused by missing fields in your request body. They do not have an HTTP response code associated with them because errors occur at the level of individual pieces of text and not the overall request, so the status code of the overall response will be 200.

Error TypeError CodeMessage
Plan And Usage
1421Plan word limit reached.
Request Body
1450Missing the content field.
1451request_id cannot be longer than 64 characters.
System Errors
1500An internal server error has occurred.